After a year of work on the project, I ran out of ideas and so I put it on pause. But at about the same time, I started working more closely with webpack, contributing to its core. So, in 2018, I wanted to revive Webpack Runtime Analyzer, using my newly accumulated experience.
Refactoring large parts of CSS code is not an easy task by any measure. At times, it may seem that it’s just a case of “deleting the poor quality code, writing better CSS, and deploying the shiny improved code”. However, there are many other factors to consider, like the difficulty of refactoring a live codebase
Content scraping is a fact of life on the Internet. When you think of web scraping, you probably do not think about the scrapers turning around and immediately serving your entire, whole page content on another website. But what if your site content is being re-published? It might be already happening.